I worked with high school students from the Rutgers Future Scholars Program
to create original artist books about their experiences living in an
urban environment. Students experimented with artistic materials to
engage in a visual dialogue about various questions regarding city
life. Telling their story through visual imagery, students created
artist books exploring this theme of urban life. Through this format,
students expressed honest observations about their urban environment,
and engaged in a deep level of thinking to express their own personal
experience living within the city of Newark.
* White watercolor paper (cut into long sections)
* Acrylic paint and paint brushes
* Markers, colored pencils
* Glue
* Scissors
* Assorted colored paper
* Magazines and other source material for collage
* Cover boards
* Binders needles and thread
Students learned different bookbinding techniques by creating a series
of journals. Techniques learned included the accordian method, flag
books, pamphlet stitch, tunnel and star books. Students then constructed
their Citybound books by utilizing either one or a combination of these
The summer art program culminated with a group exhibition at the local cafe showcasing all 75 artist books!